Policy Subcommittee:
Purpose of Subcommittee:
This subcommittee meets to develop policy upon the recommendation of the Board, to review existing policy and to eliminate, revise and/or develop new policies, as necessary. The subcommittee also, for adopted policies, invites the Superintendent to apprise the subcommittee of the procedures developed by the Superintendent and the administrative team to implement the Board’s policy.
Charge of Subcommittee:
- To research CABE policy models and refer to them in the formulation of policies to be presented to the full Board of Education for discussion and potential adoption;
- To monitor the Superintendent’s on-going development of administrative procedures to ensure alignment with Board policies;
- To suggest amendments/revisions to policies that already exist in keeping with legislative revisions, updates and new legislation;
- To serve as a resource on policies and procedures to Board members in their deliberations/decision making;
- To conduct on-going reviews of the Board of Education's policy manual;
- To review State-level and Federal-level legislative updates to ensure district policy compliance; and
- To review the Board of Education's bylaws on an annual basis and make recommendations for improvements or changes, as appropriate.